Donate directly to West Africa

If you dont want the Bonustracks aus dem Shop nicht haben willst, aber trotzdem spenden möchtest, kannst Du hier direkt per Paypal einen beliebigen Betrag nach Westafrika spenden. Das Geld geht nach Abzug der Gebühren für die Zahlungsdienstleister direkt nach Westafrika an die Menschen vom Bureh Beach Club und an Robert & Simon nach Ghana.

Some infos by Lena Wendt about the recipients:

Robert & Simon – Ghana
The two Ghanaians from Cape Point were Lena's drumming instructors, and in six months at the site they became something like their little brothers.

The families of the both best friends could not afford to send them to high school. That happens to most of the young persons in Ghana. Their talent, drumming, is almost worthless in a country where everybody is able to drum somehow. By offering these downloads we like to give them the opportunity to make some money out of their music and to support their familys.

In this movie you can get to know them:

Robert & Simon at youTube

Bureh Beach Surf Club – Sierra Leone

19 boys and one girl live parttime and work at the Bureh Beach Surf Club. For us one of the most beautiful places of this journey. Why? Because people are just awesome here. A community that completely swaps over so that the eye level is not lost among each other. The Surf Club was founded to boost tourism in the region through surf lessons, surfboard rental, accommodation and a small restaurant. The boys work only for food. The revenue goes completely into the village community. We want to support our friends by making their song available for you to download and provide them with the full revenue after deducting taxes and the usual transfer fees.

You want to meet the guys? Then take a look at their page, write to them or drive around☺ They will love it!

Bureh Beach Surf Club at Facebook